Chalk games for children: ideas for fun

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Chalk games for children

I introduced my son to sidewalk chalk as soon as his little hands could hold it. He enjoyed doodling, writing, and tracing using a variety of colours. Little did he know he was developing critical academic and motor skills while having fun. Chalk games are excellent learning that allows for hours of learning! Also Read: Fish Coloring Pages

1-Goofy Races

Crazy races are easy to organize. Draw the start and finish lines of a race. Then give different ways to get to the end: backwards, walking, running, using a bike or scooter, jumping, etc.


It’s an old classic (kids have been playing it for over 300 years) but one of the best chalkboard games. The rules are simple, and children can draw their hopscotch with chalk. Use your imagination and draw the jump boxes in different colours and shapes. Use the chalk to decorate your hopscotch. Once your kids have conquered the course, see if they can jump on each square twice or use different feet to jump down the path and back up the course.

Snail hopscotch: this variant of hopscotch is fantastic fun for the youngest! Draw a large circle (about 3 to 5 meters) on the ground, then draw a spiral course starting from the centre and starting in a spiral to look like a snail shell: see my article on snail hopscotch, an excellent classic chalk game.

3-Avoid the shark

Here is an ideal chalk game for the youngest (2 to 6 years old). With different colours of chalk, draw “beaches” at different distances. Use blue chalk to draw the sea between the beaches and black chalk for the shark fins in the sea, and have the children jump from beach to beach to avoid the “sharks”.


Create a maze with chalk where children can navigate on foot, rollerblades, bikes, etc. Have children design their web of wavy lines, circles and other chalk lines to create a maze they can walk, run, bike or scooter through. The more extensive, more colourful and complex the maze, the more fun the children will have. Children love chalk games and love this game.

5-Alphabet hop

Use your sidewalk chalk to draw 26 squares or circles quite close together and write all the alphabet letters in each one. Children who can write, give words and jump them using one or two feet from letter to letter. During the summer months, it’s a not-so-subtle way to work on spelling skills while having fun.

6-Alphabet Twister

Write the alphabet on the floor in a square formation (reasonably close together, like the Twister game). Call the hand or the foot to place on such or such letter. Kids will have a giggle in all kinds of positions! This can also be done with colours for younger children who don’t know all the letters.

7-Switch Artist

One of the best chalk games to develop creativity! Draw large rectangles on the floor (draw as many as the number of children who will be playing) and give each child a piece of chalk (or more). Ask them to start drawing a picture in their space. Set a timer for 3-5 minutes, and when the time is up, have the children switch rectangles and have them draw on that space. Continue until all artists have had a chance to colour all rectangles.

8-Body outline

Ask the children to lie in different positions on the floor and draw their shapes. Then let them fill in and colour the outline with their face, features, and clothes. Please give them a theme like a beach, a summer day, a winter day, farmers, knights and princesses, astronauts, etc.

9-Create dolls

Take some clothes that you put on the ground (shorts and a t-shirt, for example). You have to draw the body of the doll. The results are often hilarious!

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