Can Students Learn in an Online Math Class?

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Online learning has taken a drastic turn in the last two years. Following COVID-19, online learning enrolment has more than doubled, totaling approximately 200 million students. Before the lockdown, online education was only used by students who had difficulty going to their classrooms regularly. But now all the major colleges and universities have adapted to online learning, and it has become common for students to study online. As there was no other choice, either by wish or by compulsion, the students are required to study online. Studying theory-based subjects like physics and English was easy. But most of the students faced difficulties learning subjects like mathematics and statistics, as these subjects can be learned better face to face. To put an end to this problem, the students started to take my math class or pay someone to take my online class with help from a professional writer. The online experts reduced their stress and helped them earn good scores even while studying online.

Online education has gained a lot of popularity in recent years because of its benefits. But it has disadvantages too, like the fact that studying mathematics and other practical subjects is not easy. The students with great knowledge and concentration can only learn mathematics online, while the others cannot, as it is way more complicated than it seems to be. Here are a few of the common problems faced by students who learn math online.

  • No one to discuss with: The students who learn mathematics in an online classroom have each other’s backs. Whether or not they understand what the teacher says, they can discuss the problems afterward with their friends. The bright students teach the average learners, and both can get the problem easily. This benefit is not at all possible in an online class. You won’t have anyone by your side with whom you can ask questions or clear your doubts. Whatever you learn or do not learn, it all depends on you.
  • Lack of motivation: The classroom is not only the place where you will learn mathematics. It is also a place where you spend time and learn with your friends, where your teachers motivate you, and where your teachers help you with your studies. If you choose to learn online, you must get one thing straight: in your ups and downs, there won’t be anyone to encourage and motivate you. When you have problems facing difficult mathematics problems, you have to deal with them yourself.
  • Backups are not available: In online math classes, the students get no proper guidance from the teachers, as teaching everything online may not be possible for the teachers. There is no alternative learning available if you missed any of the classes due to a bad internet connection or for any other reason.
  • Limited resources: Mathematics is itself a challenging subject. The student in the classroom faces a lot of difficulties in studying; then think about the students who study online. Online, they did not have access to a lot of resources and had to learn everything alone. Learning mathematical equations or solving difficult problems without the assistance of teachers can be extremely difficult. This is the reason why most students try to avoid learning mathematics online.
  • No support from friends: Mathematics is like a group subject. If you want to learn this subject better, you must learn it with your friends. Learning with a group of people will help you express your thoughts, clear your doubts, and make your study time easier. Doing all of these things in an online setting may not be possible. This is why studying mathematics courses online might be a hard nut to crack.
  • No face-to-face conversation: In the online math class, the students did not get to have direct communication with the teachers. This barrier never lets them clear their doubts, and they do not get one-on-one attention from the teachers. Subjects like mathematics are only learned with the teacher on their side. why? The teachers can see where you are going wrong and help you correct it immediately. But in an online math class, you only show the final results to the teachers and receive no intermediate guidance.

Mathematics is not like any other subject where the teacher dictates or gives the notes and the students can learn them. To understand the concepts of mathematics courses, one must closely listen to the teacher’s explanation and practice them afterward. While practicing, you also need someone who can point out the mistakes and help you understand and correct them. As a result, if you are thinking of taking any of the online courses related to mathematics, you must either be attentive or it is best not to go for online learning platforms. It is best to learn in an online classroom where you will get assistance from your teachers.

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